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gRPC without Protocol Buffers

At Lantern, we use a homegrown time-series Go-based database engine called tibsdb. Recently, I decided that I'd like to have a CLI for it, similar to the CLIs provided with other databases like Redis or HBase. For a CLI to work, it needs to have some way to communicate with the server. Enter RPC!

  CLI         Server
   ^             ^
   |             |
   v             v
  ------ RPC -------

Redis uses a custom text-based protocol for its line-level RPC, whereas HBase uses thrift to generate its RPC layer.

Adam introduced me to gRPC and it seemed like it could be a good fit here. It's got great support in Go, supports streaming in either or both directions and looks generally well designed. There was just one hangup...

Protocol Buffers Create Problems for My Style of Development

Basically, I don't like using IDL, for a variety of reasons.

Code is No Longer Go Gettable

You need to install and run an external tool (protoc) in order to keep code up-to-date with your .proto files. Alternately, you could skip this and take the chance that your code and IDL get out of sync. I'm not sure which is worse.

Domain Model vs Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)

Defining and creating a set of message types in IDL, outside of the main application code, reopens the old debate about whether to share parts of the application's domain model over RPC or to enforce a strict data transfer layer with its own types. With Protocol Buffers, I have two options:

  • Use Protocol Buffers to define and generate the datatypes that I use in the application. This is a non-starter because I may want to add my own non-exported fields, embed other types, etc.

  • Use Protocol Buffers to define DTOs. This by definition means that I will need to populate those DTOs from my internal data types, which by definition means copying. In the context of a database API that may return large quantities of data to its client, this seems non-optimal.

Yet Another Language to Learn

Admittedly it’s not a big language, but its language guide is probably 1/4 the size of Go, which makes it non-trivial in my book.

MessagePack to the Rescue!

MessagePack is a schemaless, fast and efficient binary serialization format. Using it, I can serialize whatever data I want, and I don't need to mess with IDL and code generation.

gRPC says that it supports encodings other than Protocol Buffers, but I didn't find any good examples of this in practice. Thankfully, I was able to look at the code generated by Protocol Buffers and go from there.

MessagePack-based Codec for gRPC

This was the easy part.

package rpc

import (

type MsgPackCodec struct {

func (c *MsgPackCodec) Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
    return msgpack.Marshal(v)

func (c *MsgPackCodec) Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error {
    return msgpack.Unmarshal(data, v)

func (c *MsgPackCodec) String() string {
    return "MsgPackCodec"

To use the custom code from a server, you do something like this:

import ""


To use the custom code from a client, you do this:

import ""

grpc.Dial(addr, grpc.WithCodec(&MsgPackCodec{}))

Building a Server

Without the use of Protocol Buffers, it’s necessary to hand code the service interface and implementation. After breaking down the auto-generated code from Protocol Buffers, it turns out that this isn’t hard to do by hand.

In this example, we implement a server-streaming service that takes a query and returns a stream of rows.

The interface

import ""

type Server interface {
    Query(*Query, grpc.ServerStream) error

Notice that the Query function takes two parameters, the Query object (passed from the client) and a grpc.ServerStream, which gets passed to the service by gRPC. The grpc.ServerStream is what allows us to respond with a stream of results.

The implementation

import ""

type server struct {
    db *tibsdb.DB

func (s *server) Query(query *Query, stream grpc.ServerStream) error {
    q, err := s.db.SQLQuery(query.SQL)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    result, err := q.Run()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    fields, entries := result.Fields, result.Entries
    result.Fields = nil
    result.Entries = nil

    // Send header
    err = stream.SendMsg(result)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Write each entry
    for _, entry := range entries {
        row := &Row{
            Dims:   make([]interface{}, 0, len(result.GroupBy)),
            Fields: make([][]float64, 0, len(fields)),
        for _, dim := range result.GroupBy {
            row.Dims = append(row.Dims, entry.Dims[dim])
        for i, field := range fields {
            vals := entry.Fields[i]
            values := make([]float64, 0, result.NumPeriods)
            for j := 0; j < result.NumPeriods; j++ {
                val, _ := vals.ValueAt(j, field)
                values = append(values, val)
            row.Fields = append(row.Fields, values)
        err = stream.SendMsg(row)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return nil

Notice a few things about this:

  • We send two different types of datum to the stream, first the result from db.SQLQuery and then individual Rows. This is possible because streams are untyped. This could have been accomplished using an Any type in Protocol Buffers as well.

  • The result from db.SQLQuery is part of the application domain, but we can happily send it along since MessagePack will serialize whatever we throw at it. Note however that we do remove a couple of things that we don’t want to send to the client.

  • Row is actually a data-transfer object created specifically for this API. That’s because it works better for the client than sending the Entries from which the Rows are made.

Service Registration

To register the service with gRPC, we need a service description:

import ""

var serviceDesc = grpc.ServiceDesc{
    ServiceName: "TibsDB",
    HandlerType: (*Server)(nil),
    Methods:     []grpc.MethodDesc{},
    Streams: []grpc.StreamDesc{
            StreamName:    "Query",
            Handler:       queryHandler,
            ServerStreams: true,

We then register it like this:

import "net"
import ""

func Serve(db *tibsdb.DB, l net.Listener) error {
    gs := grpc.NewServer(grpc.CustomCodec(msgpackCodec))
    gs.RegisterService(&serviceDesc, &server{db})
    return gs.Serve(l)

Building a Client

The interface

import ""
import ""

type Client interface {
    Query(ctx context.Context, in *Query, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*tibsdb.QueryResult, func() (*Row, error), error)
  • Notice that in addition to the actual Query input parameter, we also need a context.Context and an optional array of grpc.CallOptions.

  • Also notice that our interface takes advantage of Go’s support for multiple return parameters. Protocol Buffers IDL can’t do this.

The implementation

import ""
import ""

type tibsDBClient struct {
    cc *grpc.ClientConn

func (c *tibsDBClient) Query(ctx context.Context, in *Query, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*tibsdb.QueryResult, func() (*Row, error), error) {
    stream, err := grpc.NewClientStream(ctx, &serviceDesc.Streams[0],, "/TibsDB/Query", opts...)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err
    if err := stream.SendMsg(in); err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err
    if err := stream.CloseSend(); err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    result := &tibsdb.QueryResult{}
    err = stream.RecvMsg(result)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    nextRow := func() (*Row, error) {
        row := &Row{}
        err := stream.RecvMsg(row)
        return row, err
    return result, nextRow, nil
  • We use grpc.NewClientStream to get a stub for the service. Note that this refers directly to the stream defined in the service descriptor.

  • Note that we also have to specify the method as /<ServiceName>/<StreamName>, i.e. /TibsDB/Query.

  • Once we have a stream, we can send and receive messages to/from it.